The Statewide Storage Facility’s primary purpose will be the storage of low-use materials from the academic libraries in Florida.
It will be a high-density “Harvard” model with a non-browsable organization of material, it will be climate controlled, and it will be located in Gainesville. The facility will house shared copies of monographs, journals, and other items which will be equally and readily available to all state university libraries.
The collections will include a mix of accessible and non-accessible materials. There will also be a conservation operation within the building. Onsite access to certain materials will be provided through a reading room. Materials will be delivered either digitally or through a courier service. In March of 2012, the CSUL Deans and Directors approved the use of the name FLorida Academic REpository (with the acronym FLARE) as a general name for the Florida academic library community storage efforts.
The facility will offer efficiencies of space to all of the participating institutions, providing an opportunity to re-allocate existing campus space by removing low use or duplicate materials as well as shared statewide copies or journal backfiles. Formats/material types held in the facility will include: bound journals, monographs, print indexes and abstracts, audio-visual formats, government documents, special collections, microforms, and maps. Other formats/material types may be considered for inclusion in the facility.